Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Hello Everyone!!!!

Welcome to my brand new blog! One of my 2008 New Year's Resolutions (besides the regular weight loss, being good to others, et al...) is to have a better online presence then I've had in the past. There are so many people online, more so people who I have a lot in common with.
This feels like the best opportunity to reach out to all of you, and perhaps give some insight to the limited knowledge that I have.
And Blogging's fun :P
It's my goal to post something everyday. To answer as many questions as I can and to meet as many friends as possible.

So about me - well I'm most "famous" for my stint as a comic book penciller most notably on the Transformers franchise. I love transformers and always have, and always will. This is the place for any transformers questions you have - whether it be about my infamous Dreamwave stint, what I thought of the Transformers movie, what kind of a guy Chris Ryall is like and most importantly - why haven't I drawn any IDW transformers interiors??? Ask and I'll answer :P
I've been a comic artist for six years doing work for Marvel, DC and Top Cow. I'm currently doing covers for IDW and my friend Porfiria Girgis and Jaran Studios ( ). Do you want to know how to break into the crazy business of comics? I'll tell you how I did it - if you ask :)

I am also a former Visual Effects / 3D artist on Stargate:SG 1. I'm a huge Stargate fan, and it was so exciting not only working on Stargate, but also being on the Bridge Studios lot seeing all the action happen!!! Usually most Effects artist don't get to see filming, or even meet the actors - I got the chance - though I wouldn't consider myself the best of friends with any of them - heck, I just said hi - but they know who I am - how? Ask and I'll tell you!!! Also the inspiration for this blog is from the dude in the cool suit that is Joseph Mallozzi - he's one of the busiest guys in the business and still finds a way to post on his blog every day!!! Check it out here:
Sadly I don't work under Cheyenne Mountain anymore (for now). I believe I left on good terms, and hopefully I'll be able to come back. Mark Savela and the rest of the team have been great to me - and I've made some very good friends there. But Why would I leave? Honestly I really didn't want to - especially since I have a good idea of the amazing things that are going to happen in the fifth season (and NO I'm not telling...). So why leave? Well, I received an opportunity to good to pass up. What opportunity would that be? Ask and... aw heck I'll tell ya...

I am currently contracted to work on Zack Snyder's "Watchmen" for the Moving Picture Company. I'm starting on it in February. And I'm scared. You want to know inside information on what will be one of the biggest movies to hit 2009? Ask - and I'll see if I'm allowed to answer!!!

Pictures today: The inked version of my cover to IDW's Transformers Movie Sequel Comic: "The Reign of Starscream". Check out the colored version by the amazing brit Kieran Oats here:
Also to prove I am a Stargate lackey - pictures of when my Mom, my lovely wife Ruth and my little angel Emma Louise came to visit me on the set.

So everyday I'll be posting art, and giving you my inner fears, thoughts and current waistline (you know I gained 20 pounds since I've been back in Toronto???). So please ask your questions and I'll answer as many as I can everyday. Also pay attention - at the end of every month I'll put up a quiz and the winner will receive original art from me! So take some time outta your busy day, and hear what I have to say. I'll post every day - I promise. Hold me to that. Every. Day.

James Anthony Raiz


tec said...

Nice to meet you loved your work in the DW series

chris daugherty said...

Hey James, I only know you through your tf work but what awesome work it was. I was wondering what are your favorite current and past comics(doesnt have to be tfs). Name as many as you like. I was also wondering what are your favorite tf toys and...what did you think of the movie? I hope that isn't too many questions. Thanks in advance and I hope to see you do more tfs in the future!!

Anonymous said...

Hey James, nice to meet you. I'll be honest, I have never read any Transformers comics. I saw your post over at Gateworld, and replied. Over there, I'm "Ganthet Jr.". If you're a comic geek, you probably know through my name that I'm a Green Lantern geek. Green Lantern, however, comes second to Stargate.

Wow, Watchmen is definitely daunting. I'm not going to lie, that sounds pretty freaking scary. Good luck!

In addition to a possible return to Stargate Atlantis, do you think you might ever work on the SG-1 movies or the upcoming Stargate Universe?

hXcpunk23 said...

Hey James, I just wanted to drop you a comment to show some support for you and your work. I've loved your artwork (especially your Transformers work) for some time now. Glad to see you're about to crank out yet another great Transformers piece, keep up the great work! A few quick questions, if you don't mind. What are your 3 favorite Transformers to draw? Do you have any other Transformers projects lined up (other than "Reign of Starscream")? Any advice or tips on drawing huge transforming robots? Thanks for your time and I hope to see more Transformers related stuff from you in the near future--your work is very inspiring. Again, keep up the great work!

TFW2005 boards

Joseph Mallozzi said...

Watchmen is my favorite (limited) comic book series of all time.

How was Rorschach?

Unknown said...

Hey James,

Someone on Digital Webbing posted a link to your blog. I'm stoked to be reading it. I have a convention poster you did with all those different transformers on it... something like 900 or so, and I got the last #. Woot! lol. I'd take it to Fan Expo to get it signed if it wasnt so big.

I have heard great things about Watchmen. My cousin's roommate is one of the light riggers, and he says the sets are amazing.

Well, time to read some more bloggage.


Deepika Patil said...

Nice post..............